Do you ever tried testing of real time charts in your Amibroker Software.
If not then try start with MT4 Plugin for Amibroker to analyse live forex data.
All you need to do is
1)Download Meta Trader 4
2)Install it in your windows system and open a demo account with metatrader
3)Download MT4 Plugin for Amibroker
Download MT4 Plugin
Follow the procedure to setup live forex data in Amibroker
After Downloading MT4 Plugin
1.Copy MT4d.dll to C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\Plugins
2.Copy RateServer.exe to C:\Program Files\AmiBroker
3.Open dos prompt and enter command
[cd C:\Program Files\AmiBroker]
[rateserver.exe /regserver]
4.Copy exp.dll to C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\experts\libraries
5.Copy pluginAB.mqh to C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\experts\include
click exp.mqh and compile
6.Copy pluginAB.mq4 to C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\experts
click plugin.mq4 and compile
7.Run metatrader4, then RateServer is displayed in tasktray
Run PluginAB Expert Advisor
* check Allow DLL imports
8.Run Amibroker
9.Click Amibroker and click [File]-[Database setting]
select Datasource MetaTrader4 data Plug-in
and set Base time interval - 1Minute or Hourly or EOD
10.[Symbol]-[New] add symbol
11. On the Bottom Right corner of Amibroker there is a provision to enable
mt4 plugin which is in WAIT status by default. Just change the status to
Now Its all Done and now you can see charts updating live forex data in your Amiborker Software
[11/09/2009 03:57:00 PM
Many thanks for this.
Wondering is it possible to develop a simple excel based trading system
I have downloaded it--but after extraction--my A/V system is detecting a Server.exe malware--although it may ba false alarm or may not damage AMI/MT4 file--please confirm me--is it absolutely safe--???Presently I am using QT plugin for AMI(Live Yahoo NSE SPOT INDEX)
Its not an malware
Should I add an exception for this MT4 plug-in in my Mcafee A/V--because Rateserver.exe is being deleted automatically by the Mcafee System----
Hello--Raj--I am waiting for your response--should I ignore this rateserver.exe virus/malware-Trojan Type warning & go on to install it in my system--Please confirm.
Rate Server is not an virus... It just extracts the data from metatrader and feed into amibroker
Can you please specify the settings to be made on the rate server window, i.e Port: and data_count
Rate Server Doesnt need any special Settings
click exp.mqh and compile
couldnt find this!!
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